Egypt Study Circle Auction 66
**** CLOSING Date and Time for all Postal/Email Bids is
MIDNIGHT (UK Time), Saturday June 4, 2023 ****
Please note that the illustrations
supplied from various sources are of varying quality; the colours should be considered only as approximate
representations of the items' true colours.
The prices are the reserve price and under bids will be ignored.
Bidding steps: £1 - £5, 50p; £5 - £20, £1; £20 - £50 - £2; £50 - £100, £5; over £100, £10.
Multiple image links like these:-
Indicate that the lot in question has more than one associated image.
Don't forget to click on all the links
Lot | Description | Reserve |
Literature – be aware of postage costs
001 |
Helio-Vaugirard beautiful book in French, "L'Egypte des Pharaons et le Timbre-Poste," by Fernand Bisson de la Roque, published in 1950 from the "Iris" series on Philately and Art.
Complete with 12 full pages with proofs and photograph of object shown on stamp design plus one colour photograph of Nefertiti signed. Cover worn but contents in excellent condition.
Does not include sheetlets.

| £300
002 |
A group of 50 different revenue documents from 1930's to 1980's some with heavy usage of revenue stamps for different contracts showing Sednaoui, Al Chams, Charkieh,
and many others starting at an attractive low price.

| £30.00
Egypt philatelic history
003 |
1865, Post Office Regulations (dated January 1865) to be set into place for the inauguration of the Egyptian Post Office from January 1 1866.
Card-backed booklet of 22 pages, 17x24.5cm, printed (how?) entirely in hand-drawn Arabic and presumably handed out for information to all the country’s
post offices in advance of the new service. Pages as-new and complete, covers rather battered – a true piece of history
| £500
004 |
1945, Catalogue of the Stamp Exhibition organised by the Alexandria Philatelic Association from Aug 25-28. Booklet with card covers, 17x24cm, 14pp, bilingual French/Arabic,
listing all entries (167 frames, inc 42 non-Egypt), full regulations, committee, etc Excellent condition

| £25.00
005 |
1946, Series of three magazines detailing the First Cairo Philatelic Exhibition of Feb 28-Mar 8, which won for Ibrahim Chaftar the title of Bey.
Attended by Farouk, and final report carries several photos including Chaftar presenting the King with the gold medal. Trilingual, Bulletin, Prospectus and
Report detail all entrants with multiple handwritten notations. Excellent condition
| £45.00
Postal stationery
006 |
1953, Specimen for postal display, 35 mills mosque stamp NP D 203 affixed over Farouk stamp obliterated with handstamped “X” on registered envelope NP SRE13,
complete with stamp so SRE 14. NP says “only a few examples have been recorded” (cat $300). Excellent pristine mint

| £120.00
VIP gift souvenir FDCs
007 | 28 11 22, special Tutankhamun Centenary FDC with sheet of four centenary stamps and souvenir FDC
contained in large beautifully printed card folder with the Gold Mask, and that contained within a magnificent Egypt Post leather folder with metal corners.
The whole thing in a plasticised carrier bag produced as a souvenir edition to be given to VIP dignitary. Staggering

| £100.00
008 | 27 9 22, similar to the last, but produced for bicentenary of discovery of the Rosetta Stone, internal
card folder containing £E10 commemorative stamp and £E10 miniature sheet tied with pentagonal first-day cancel. Other details as above – leather case,
impeccable printing, plasticized souvenir carrier for handing over to distinguished guest recipient. Staggering

| £100.00
Egypt stamps and varieties
009 | British PO in Alexandria (1860-78), B01 canceller clear on Victoria 1867 5 shillings red stamp (SG126)
 | £40.00
010 | 1872-74, Third Issue 5 para, vertical tête-bêche pairs in block of four, pencil mark behind 13 ½ x 12 ½,
cancelled with clear strikes of Poste Khedive Egiziane / Massawa 3 MAG 1873. NP D23b
 | £180.00
011 | 1879,1884, De La Rue high values, 2x5pi stamps (SG 49,56, cat £86 each), hinged mint
 | £40.00
012 | 1882, De La Rue 10para bluish-grey (SG 51) with inverted watermark, used at Zaka….
 | £15.00
013 | 1922 Crown overprint, 100 mills slate black (wmk crescent and star), unmounted mint, NP D881
 | £60.00
014 | British Forces in Egypt, 1935 Jubilee Commemoration 1935 overprint, mint, light hinged
  | £140.00
015 | 1923-24, King Fouad First Portrait issue, seven values unmounted mint (NP D91 etc), 1-50m, each
stamp marked with retouches and flaws (unrecorded by NP) on enlarged diagrams. Most unusual
 | £18.00
016 | 1944, Anniversary of death of King Fouad, 10 mills (NP C92), block of four pristine UNM with
unrecorded flaw of white box on king’s nose, stamp 2
 | £12.00
017 | 1958, Egyptian Industries lower marginal se-tenant strip of five UMM with control A/58 and wmk
inverted. NP 202a-206a, cat $15 each in 2003
 | £22.00
018 | 1993, 15pi Sphinx definitive (modified design, UMM block of four, NP 357), plus imperf essay
block of four of original design with missing colour
 | £18.00
019 | 2002, Snefru Pyramid £E1 definitive (SG 2237a), single UMM stamp plus three more with various printing flaws
 | £10.00
020 | 2004, Small Arabic-addressed cover used en ville in Cairo from Zeitoun to Gezira,
franked with 30pt stamp marking Egypt’s 2010 World Cup football bid with remarkable mis perforation across stamp centre. Most unusual
 | £10.00
021 | 2015, £E3 Amenhotep son of Hapu definitive, two UMM stamps showing colour shades, plus five more with printing varieties
 | £10.00
022 | Oct 2020, major design flaw on World Statistics Day £E5 commemorative, with EGYPT spelled as
EYGPT. Error repeated on printed FDC as well as on FDC special cancel
 | £25.00
023 | As last, lower left corner strip of three stamps with full selvedge, UMM
 | £16.00
024 | 3 Apr 2021, Golden Parade of the Pharaohs. Spectacular commemorative presentation pack (25x33cm)
including all 22 £E5 stamps on first-day cover plus miniature sheet and strip of three on FDC. Plus brochure. Only 1500 printed, and sold out at Egyptian post offices in ten days.

| £20.00
Egypt postal stationery inc SPECIMEN
025 |
9 AV 87, 20 para De La Rue, reply half of first prepaid reply card (NP SPC2), returned from Teh el Baroud to fine Alexandria arrival CDS. This card very difficult to find used

| £25.00
026 |
1926, complete grey parcel card with 20m and 100m of Fouad First Issue paying duty, issued in Alexandria for Chelles in France

| £38.00
027 |
1931, 3 mills Ras el Tin Palace dark green (NP SPC32) postcard, excellent mint with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint across face
| £120.00
028 |
1932, 3 mills King Fouad green (NP SPC34) postcard, excellent mint with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint across face
| £120.00
029 |
1932, 13 mills King Fouad red (NP SPC35) postcard, excellent mint with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint across face
| £120.00
030 |
1934/44, 4 mills grey-green King Farouk (NP SPC38) postcard, excellent mint with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint across face
| £120.00
031 |
1939, 5 mills red-brown on white King Farouk (NP SLS11) letter sheet with Arabic watermark, pristine mint unused
| £120.00
032 |
1941, 6 mills green on white King Farouk letter sheet, as NP SLS12 but with vignette reading al mamlaka al masriya (unrecorded in NP but see QC 259, pp.274-76).
Uprated with 15 mills for registration from Azhar to Zifta 30 JU 43. Fine clean example

| £140.00
033 |
1922, 10 mills carmine Colossi (NP SRE3) De La Rue registered envelope, uprated with vertical pair of 10m First Fuad with mute black on white Reg label
from Faggala to Vienna 10 AP25. Excellent clean example

| £30.00
034 |
1965-1984, Accumulation of ten mint postal stationery Air Letter forms, six uprated with definitives as sold over Post Office counter.
All in perfect condition, folded only once
| £20.00
035 |
1969, Registered Letter sheet (NP SRLS 1-1a), four forms showing three striking shade varieties and another uprated with definitives as sold,
illustrating the “broken U” appearing as a J. All clean mint
| £20.00
036 |
1969 to 1974, four used Eagle of Saladin postal stationery 10 mills envelopes (SEN44), all without filigree, all uprated with various colourful definitives back and front
| £20.00
Painted essays for stamps and revenues
037 |
1964, Artist essay for “Egyptian Cotton, Finest Cotton” publicity label on card 11.5x16cm, painted by Ibrahim el-Tahtawy with Postal Authority notes on reverse,
together with marginal block of 2x5 of the issued label, UNM

| £60.00
038 |
2005, Artist essay for Health Insurance revenue on card 18.5x22cm. Painted for £E4 face value, but published stamp was £E5 after instruction to alter the value
handwritten on reverse

| £60.00
039 |
1967, unadopted painted essay for UAR of 4 mills showing Mohamed Ali Mosque, 18x21cm. Very similar design released with 100 mills face value as part of AR Egypt
definitive set in October 1972 (Magdy 333)

| £40.00
040 |
1970 President Nasser memorial issue 20m in green, water colour on light card with Arabic notes, 13x16cm, together with cover bearing blue 5m issued stamp (NP 594)
used Alexandria 1971

| £40.00
041 |
1978, pharaonic definitive series, hand painted design for 3pt value, carved head (15x19cm), but unadopted at that value. Issued instead as 11pt stamp (Magdy 374)

| £40.00
042 |
1978, Egypt air mail series, hand painted essay for Sakkara Pyramid and temple which was adopted at essay’s 115m value (Magdy 137) and then reprinted 15 months
later with 185m face value. Painting 18 x 25cm

| £40.00
Hotels interest
043 |
1958, incoming air letter from Boyertown, Pennsylvania, addressed to Cité Continental Oriental Philatelic House (on Continental premises). Received on reverse an
unrecorded Hotel Continental Savoy / Cairo registration? handstamp of 24 ?? 1958, thoroughly obliterated in red pencil

| £15.00
Booklet stamps
044 |
1921 to 1948, a range of booklet stamps on six covers used within Egypt, from DLR Pictorial to Farouk Marechal
 | £20.00
Postal History
045 |
1939, Photo postcard of Australia/New Zealand war memorial in Port Said franked 3m Boy King and sent from Port Said to Cairo

| £8.00
046 |
6 SE 50, “Urgent” Air Mail cover, multi-franked from Bombay to Alexandria including commemoratives, censored on arrival and judged to be 46c short of postage.
Taxed by 2x 10m Dues at Sidi Gaber
| £28.00
047 |
1954, Printed Matter. 14x20cm bilingual pamphlet/catalogue printed to advertise sale of surplus British forces stores, vehicles etc at NAAFI depot, Fanara.
Franked 2x2m fellah. Neat
| £8.00
048 |
1958, Poste Restante tax: incoming censored cover from California to Alexandria with 4x1m General tax stamps plus single 1 fellah definitive paying tax due on reverse.
Most unusual

| £8.00
049 |
1970, Poste Restante: registered cover from Moharram Bey in Alexandria to Shubra, franked at 55 mills for postage (correct rate), taxed on reverse with 10m General
revenue instead of postage dues

| £8.00
050 |
1976, December tax: registered cover from Chibin el Kom to the Prime Minister’s office, franked correctly at 55m, with 1 mill Step Pyramid as tuberculosis
fund tax

| £8.00
Resealing tape
051 |
2022, Postal Authority resealing tape on cover incoming from Belgium, reading “Opened for Customs tax fee”

| £15.00
052 |
2023, Postal Authority resealing tape on cover incoming from UK, reading “stamp correspondence”

| £15.00
Air interest
053 |
11 DE 33, First Imperial Airways Flight cover Egypt-Siam, clean with bilingual Air Mail label, registered from Port Said to Bangkok, franked at 99 mills
with 9,40 and 50 of the 1933 Airs issue. Striking red circular handstamp

| £35.00
054 |
23 8 48, first SAIDE flight. Two covers from Cairo to Athens and Rome, each franked with two surcharged stamps plus Farouk air 20m

| £25.00
055 |
Air France trilingual labels (Sears 13), printed 1935. Block of 3x7 unmounted, plus small cover with label franked 62 mills from Cairo to Germany

| £10.00
056 |
SAIDE bilingual Air Mail labels in block of 2x8, unmounted mint perfect condition. Sears 19, 1948
| £15.00
057 |
2014, postcard (Italian cemetery) from El Alamein with very odd CDS date – 30 2023??, addressed to Italy but returned to sender with Italian PO label

| £8.00
Postal markings
058 |
1888-1933, accumulation of 14 various receipts – telegraph, registration, sick report, caisse d’epargne certificates, foreign postal money order,
requisition of payment. Interesting group of different cancellations
| £10.00
059 |
1936-1998, large group of 13 covers and a telegraph form all sent at express rate with CDS and/or delivery markings. Interesting variation
| £20.00
060 |
1961-1984, group of six covers all sent with different markings from Alexandria Ramleh tramway station, interesting lot for Ramleh collectors including
one with all-Arabic registration label
| £15.00
Sinai / Canal Zone cancels
061 |
Jumbo lot of 13 covers, five receipts and one postcard with various cancels – Abu Suwer, Port Taufiq, Suez, Port Said, Ismailia, Ras Ghareb, El-Salam
(North Sinai), Hay el Arbayin Talet (Suez), Rafa (North Sinai), Atef Sadat (Port Said), Barid Rafa. Interesting lot
| £10.00
TPO markings
062 |
Mixed lot of ten covers and cards all with TPO datestamps: Minya-Cairo 1928, 1933, Abu Kebir-Abu Hammad 1938, Minia-Sohag 1939, Asyut-Luqsor 1923, 1945,
Alex-Idfina 1933, Zagazig-Aga 1938, Fayum-Roda 1922, Dumiat-Tanta 1915
| £38.00
063 |
Mixed lot of 12 covers and cards, all with TPO markings: Girga-Wahat el Bahria 1947, K.Saqr-Sadaqa 1921, TPO 19 Alex 1929, Dumiat-Tanta 1939,
Zagazig-Aga 1941, Mahalla-Baltim 1943, Mataria-Abu Kebir 1929, Cairo-Asyut 1926, 1935, Cairo-Assiut 1920, Asyut-Cairo 1940, Samanud-Zifta 1937
| £38.00
Cassette envelopes
064 |
2004-07, group of eight unused cassette post envelopes, seven of them with official handstamp notifying cancelled for official use (two types)
| £20.00
Rural Post cancels
065 |
1918-1956, Group of seven covers used in the Rural Service
| £20.00
Instructional markings
066 |
1936-1962, group of four covers all with instructional markings of one sort of another -1938 boxed Rebut a Remettre, 1958 straight-line Avis de
Reception, 1962 trilingual En Voyage, 1962 boxed Unclaimed
| £10.00
067 |
1962, instructional slogan, all-Arabic boxed on en-ville cover from Central Cairo to Suq Rod el Farag reading “ Avoid polluted sewage waste water
to prevent bilharzia”

| £28.00
068 |
1982, instructional marking, all-Arabic boxed on registered cover from Sidi Gaber to the Ciro office of the Governor of Alexandria, Mohamed el Mahy,
reading “Inspected by Captain Mohamed Youssef, Explosives Specialist”

| £20.00
069 |
1953, Egyptian ID card issued in Minet el Basel, Alexandria, with duty paid by 10 mills General Revenue and 100 mills 1945 Identity Card
Revenue (Feltus 501, page 57)

| £30.00
070 |
1948-89, accumulation of 16 cheque forms, all shapes, colours and sizes, all provided with embossed duty value vignettes and most with revenue
stamps on reverse (Feltus page 23) covering kingdom-republic-UAR-ARE, many different banks and configurations
| £20.00
071 |
1958, UNM marginal block of four Amusement Tax revenues, 80 mills value of first UAR issue (Feltus 515, page 60), rouletted, no watermark
| £30.00
072 |
1958, Syndicate for Theatrical, Cinematic and Musical Professions – the Musicians issue, complete set of four, from 10m to 500m, all used
(Feltus p.96, 926-929)
| £10.00
073 | 1965-2000, group of five covers all successfully franked with revenue stamps instead of postage issues.
| £10.00
074 |
UAR period, 1959-70? Feltus’ Fourth Issue Medical Syndicate, crudely perforated and with stethoscope wmk, four UMM blocks of four overprinted by
private pharmacy Matouk Frères of Damascus and surcharged 14.5, 15, 25.5 and 27pt with opt flaws
| £10.00
075 | 1985, Syndicate of the Scientific Professions – single marginal 25m mint stamp with perforation shift (not recorded by Feltus)
| £10.00
076 |
1988-2010, group of eight various Consular Service used revenue stamps
| £10.00
077 |
1 10 2003, printing date on selvage of Medical Syndicate 10pt revenue in full sheet of 10x10 stamps, UMM
| £10.00
078 |
29 8 1920 good conduct all-Arabic certificate issued by Egyptian Army from the Citadel, with tax paid by 3pt surcharge on No-Value stamp.
Colourful Staff Officer cachet
| £7.00
079 |
2007-2021, Educational Improvement raising fund revenue – three unmounted mint corner pairs with various printing details on selvage
| £10.00
080 |
1990-2000 Nasser Bank revenues – three unmounted stamps of two issues
| £10.00
Printing essays
081 |
1959, essays for UAR-Yemen union on gummed paper with “Printing Experiment” replacing dates, no value, first production of Postal Printing
House press. Lower marginal block of four, with watermark, rose-red
| £15.00
082 |
1970, essays for Aswan Kima Factory, various colours, five perforated and two imperf on gummed paper, no watermark, unmounted mint
| |